Additionally, 35.8% of the participants may try drugs when invited by friends. Voting items indicate that only 50.52% of the participants will take regular HIV tests while 50.2% would have casual sex when they are single. While most posts are positive or neutral, negative emotions, including anxiety, anger, and sadness, are mainly distributed in posts related to self-identification and sexual behaviors in China and to relationships in other countries.
The results show that the majority of posts are related to daily life activities, and less are related to sensitive topics. Machine learning and linguistic programming approaches were used to extract themes and analyze sentiments of posts. This paper provides a comprehensive content analysis of posts and opinions on Blued, the world’s largest gay social networking dating app, to infer and compare opinions and behavioral characteristics of gay men in different countries. Gay men in many countries are increasingly using geosocial networking applications (GSN apps), thus offering new opportunities for understanding them.