Hotest male gay porn stars

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Want to watch more of Rocco, but without the hardcore stuff? Be sure to check out the documentary about his life, aptly titled just Rocco. He’s also happily married to another adult film star and has even worked with the world-famous film director Catherine Breillat. Many people who have worked with him insist that there are certain things they would only be willing to shoot with him - and no other performers in the industry. Rocco is beloved by female performers for his ability to respect limits and instill a deep sense of trust in his scene partners. Though he’s mostly known for his size, Rocco is also responsible for bringing more hardcore porn into the mainstream. This Italian Stallion remains an incredible celebrated performer. Let’s start off with one of the biggest - and we do mean the biggest - male pornstars of all time: Rocco Siffredi.

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It has to be… Rocco Siffredi Rocco, greatest male porn star ever? Well, you know exactly which legendary male icon of porn we have to start with, right?

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Want to Enjoy the Same Action as These Male Pornstars?.

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